Saturday 18 November 2023

Planet yellow fluff


The true illusion of adult life is that everyone will be an adult.

The truth of life is that most of us fumble our way through the way we landed on the planet and never think twice about evolving or becoming more adult.

The same conflicts that plagued us in primary school play out in our workplace and the same bullies and bitches we encountered in the playground pave our way to success or failure daily.

Even those who try hard to be adults have to navigate the herd of imbeciles that populate the majority of our lives, and go back on promises and dogmas, rely on little white lies or say things they don’t really mean.

If only every single being took some responsibility and tried to see using all of their senses, then maybe the world could actually become a better place for generations to come. Rather than doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different world to form at the other end.

What happens to all those lessons? Do only some absorb them, or reserve them for dinner conversations, or dating profiles. To sound wise.

But do you use these lessons to be better, to be wiser. Do you risk your position to keep to your principles?

Do you sometimes bully someone else because everyone else does, or that person is a soft target due to their quiet demeanour?

I struggle daily to be more assertive and take on the role of a team leader.  It does not come naturally. And yet I am expected to learn it, role play. And I try. But do it with kindness and quiet humbleness. Because this is who I am and I can’t change the fabric I am sewn from.

Maybe some people are just made from Hessian sacks and stay that way forever. If only they wore a tag so I could avoid them, or have a stronger role play ready, despite tiredness and life.

And yet they will succeed in this world. I would like to think that truth and authenticity win above all, maybe in some circles they do. I continue to hope, and continue to be me and forge forward with optimism and kindness. One day it will be recognised as a noble following. And if not, at least I will live with the conviction and knowledge that I have advanced our society and not fossilised it in instinct.

Even if I make a very small mark in a very small quiet circle, I will be content.

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