Tuesday, 29 August 2023


You are a thief. Stealing life from those who want you and from those who need you.

A thief who is unscrupulous and cruel.

A thief who takes indiscriminately.

No one will be spared. For the need to devour is ever-present.

You are a greedy beast.

Eating away at us.

At me, as I barely manage to get out of reach,

you take big bites in one fell swoop.

You munch away carelessly.

You fatten your own comfort.

You greedily devour away at our achievements and our glories.

You obesely and shamelessly keep at it.

You are an aloof lover.

You pass me by, I remain unrecognised.

Emotionally detached, you measure our relationship as a transaction.

I give, you take.

You pass, I age.

You accelerate, I die.

You are untouchable,


untouchable and thin.

You dissolve into the air,

you pass unnoticed, unheeded, untaxed. Unashamed, unbidden, unhinged.

When you want to,

when it suits you,

you stay, you firmly attach yourself and adhere to the ages.

You remain, and cling, and cloy.

You sit and lounge,

you loiter and stare.

You hover and stink.

When you are wrong, you are really wrong.

You collude and steer people towards each other,

at your own will.

You scheme and plot, and take pride in the experience.

You are a gossipy meddler,

a player in full garb.

You are so powerful,

all consuming.

You laugh as we miss you and cross your path in the wrong way.

You enjoy watching us flounder and fall.

You cruel, cruel maker.

You magnetic and powerful drawer of energy.

You gather up the ages,

you sew together events and visit unheeded.

You can stay in one place or move faster than light.

Your mettle is undiscovered and your matter unfound.

You hurt me every time the hands pass me by.

You tick away at my soul as I age and wrinkle away.

I want to kill you and yet I want to embrace you,

for your are wise and powerful and true.

When will you be right?

Can you truly answer that?

My life has missed you, ever accelerating at different speeds from me.

`Would you consider synchronising and just waiting for me?

Would you just stop so I can catch you,

so that we can walk together just this once.

Because I really want this.

For once.

I want to stop you on your tracks,

I want to spend you like a dollar,

I want to enjoy you like a holiday,

I want to feel you like a dream.

I want to stop with you and set like jelly in your arms.

Don’t be hasty, don’t rush.

Don’t slow down so much it hurts,

but consider my heart.

Tick tock on my mantle piece and ever pulsating on my left wrist.

Hush, little baby and go to sleep.

For I am waking you tomorrow and you will tell.


I found this today in one of my notebooks. My mindset is definitely very different at the moment but I really liked it and thought to share ...